Felle painting on Dexter

Detroit Mural City Team Talks Dexter Murals with Artists and Community Members.

Lacey Holmes
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Lacey Homes, Project Manager for Detroit ACE and Bethany Howard, Program Manager for City Walls spent an afternoon at In Harmony Cafe on Dexter Ave engaging with the community about the City Walls Dexter mural projects and the Detroit Mural City initiatives.   
This is the start of on going community office hours that the The City of Detroit Murals Team will do regularly to connect with the community and share the City's mission to beautify Detroit, and support the cultural economy.  
Mural artists Felle and Trae Isaac who are currently painting and completing murals along Dexter Avenue also joined community members and the Mural Team. 
To learn more about City Walls visit their instagram @citywallsdetroit and visit the Detroit Mural City Map to see the incredible artwork by artists around Detroit.